Hydrogeochemistry Publications

Somay M.A., Gemici Ü., 2008; Batı Anadolu' daki başlıca kıyı sulak alanların hidrojeokimyası ve sulama suyu açısından değerlendirilmesi ("The Hydrogeochemistry of the Major Coastal Wetlands in Western Anatolia and Evaluation Its Irrigation Properties”), Sulak Alanlar Konferansı- The Conference of Wetlands, Bildiri Kitabı, pp:47-56, Kayseri (In Turkish).

Somay, M., 2008. Sulak alanların hidrolojik, hidrojeolojik ve hidrojeokimyasal önemi: Edremit-Dalyan örneği ("The Hydrologic, Hydrogeologic and Hydrogeochemical Importance of wetlands: A case study from Edremit-Dalyan Wetland"). Marmaralý Çevreci STKların etkilesim projesi: 26. Bölge Toplantısı Paneli. Edremit (in Turkish).

Somay, M, Gemici, U., Akar T., 2009. Water Quality of the Important Coastal Wetlands of Western Turkey. HydroECO2009, Proceeding Book, Vienna.

Somay, M, Gemici, U., Akar T., 2010. The Role of Hydrogeochemistry in Wetlands. BALWOIS 2010 Conference Proceedings, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2010.

Somay, M, Gemici, U., 2011. Groundwater Quality Degradation in the Buyuk Menderes River Coastal Wetland. Water Air Soil Pollut DOI10.1007/s11270-011-0834-5

Biogeography Publications

The 2nd International Symposium on Kaz Mountains (Mount Ida) and Edremit Human - Environment Interactions and Ecology of Mountain Ecosystems PROCEEDINGS & ABSTRACTS

Geomorphic and Ecologic Fundamantals of air quality in the vicinity of Kaz (Ida Mt) Mountain-Western Turkey

Kazdağları Ekosistemi ve Ekolojisi- Ecosystem and Ecology of Kaz Mountains (Mt.Ida) NW Turkey

Dede Korkut monument oak (Quercus infectoria Olivier) (Kadıköy - Edremit – Balıkesir, Turkey